Conservation Resource Links
Click on each link to learn more.
American Farmland Trust
The mission of American Farmland Trust is to help farmers and ranchers protect their land, produce a healthier environment and build successful communities.
Clean Ohio
The Clean Ohio Fund restores, protects, and connects Ohio's important natural and urban places by preserving green space and farmland, improving outdoor recreation, and by cleaning up brownfields to encourage redevelopment and revitalize communities.
Agricultural conservation easement program
The Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) provides financial and technical assistance to help conserve agricultural lands and wetlands and their related benefits. Under the Agricultural Land Easements component, NRCS helps American Indian tribes, state and local governments and non-governmental organizations protect working agricultural lands and limit non-agricultural uses of the land. Under the Wetlands Reserve Easements component, NRCS helps to restore, protect and enhance enrolled wetlands.
Land Trust Alliance
The Land Trust Alliance promotes voluntary private land conservation to benefit communities and natural systems. We are the national convener, strategist and representative of more than 1,700 land trusts across America.
The mission of the Land Trust Alliance is to save the places people love by strengthening land conservation across America. To fulfill our mission, the Land Trust Alliance has worked for more than 25 years with the national conservation community - comprised of 1.5 million dedicated land conservation professionals, volunteers and supporters - to quickly, effectively and permanently save our most valued natural resource across America.
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS)
NRCS works with landowners through conservation planning and assistance designed to benefit the soil, water, air, plants, and animals that result in productive lands and healthy ecosystems.
Science and technology are critical to good conservation. NRCS experts from many disciplines come together to help landowners conserve natural resources in efficient, smart and sustainable ways.
Ohio Department of Agriculture
The mission of the Ohio Department of Agriculture is to protect Ohio’s citizens by ensuring the safety of the state’s food supply and the health of Ohio’s food animals and plant life, and to create sustainable economic opportunities for Ohio’s farmers, food processors and agribusinesses regardless of size, product or region.
Ohio Ecological Food & Farm Association
The Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association (OEFFA) was formed in 1979 and is a membership-based, grassroots organization, dedicated to promoting and supporting sustainable, ecological and healthful food systems. OEFFA's membership includes farmers, consumers, gardeners, chefs, teachers, researchers, retailers and students. Together, we are working to recreate a regionally-scaled farming, processing, and distribution system that moves food from farm to local fork.
OEFFA provides members with access to the Good Earth Guide, a directory of ecological farms and businesses, and a quarterly newsletter. OEFFA organizes the state's largest sustainable agriculture conference, hands-on workshops, webinars and seasonal farm tours of Ohio's finest sustainable and organic farms. OEFFA also provides organic certification services for growers. Finally, OEFFA advocates for policies that protect and benefit sustainable agriculture, research and education, farm and farmland.
Private Landowner Network
PLN has the resources to help you learn about conservation opportunities that can assist you with land management, capital preservation, and tax & estate planning strategies designed to stimulate land conservation & preservation. From the basic concepts to in-depth articles or finding appropriate qualified professional assistance for your needs/circumstances, PLN has the resources you need. Learn about, connect with, and navigate your conservation related opportunities.
Coalition of Ohio Land Trusts Federal Policy Links
Tax Policy for Land Conservation
Despite support from majorities of both parties, the powerful enhanced tax incentive for conservation easement donations expired at the end of 2009! Congress is still likely to renew the incentive this year, but this lapse shows why we need your help making it permanent and enacting other tax incentives for conservation at the state and federal level. This section also includes information about how to use tax incentives for conservation and guidance on the evolving IRS rules for nonprofit organizations and conservation donations. Read more about Tax Policy for Land Conservation.
Click here to read more on the Land Trust Alliance website.
Land Conservation Funding
The 2008 Farm Bill and recent appropriations cycles have provided dramatic funding increases for Farm Bill conservation programs, the Land and Water Conservation Fund and other federal conservation programs. Now the America's Great Outdoors Initiative provides a promising opportunity to do even more, but cuts to Farm Bill conservation programs in the FY11 budget show that we must remain vigilant. Read more about Land Conservation Funding.
Click here to read more on the Land Trust Alliance website.
Become a Land Trust ADVOCATE
Every year, the federal government makes key decisions on the tax incentives for land or conservation easements; on the rules that 501(c)(3) organizations must follow; on funding for a host of federal and state land protections; and about grant programs that can help you protect lands in your community. Members of Congress and other public officials rely on their constituents for informed opinions on proposed legislation, policy issues and regulations. The Land Trust Alliance can tell them what the issues are, but only YOU can make them care! Advocates Alerts provide the information you need to make a difference with policymakers.